deTbiT Terminal Mod ETS2

(96 customer reviews)


For Euro Truck Simulator 2 creates “Bus Companies” by adding bus stations to cities for the game.


It changes all bus and bus stations to “Bus Company” for Euro Truck Simulator 2. It also provides a more realistic gameplay by allowing AI buses to enter and exit bus stations.

You can get your job from the “Freight Market” menu by choosing the ghost trailer suitable for your vehicle. Compatible with the original SCS map. Using the appropriate add-on mode for official map DLCs, you can activate terminals on these maps. You can buy 10 different ghost trailers for different buses as a personal trailer. If the bus you use is suitable, you can also get a job from the “Free Work” menu.

100% compatible with Mercedes Benz O403 & Isuzu Novo Bus Mod made by deTbiT.


Compatibility update.

Compatibility update.

Compatibility update.

Updated cities of München, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Linz, Klagenfurt, Graz, Wien, Bratislava.

Definition Updates.

All bus stations have been updated.
Added Iberia DLC cities.

Compatibility update for 1.42

Fixed the issue of not loading the game when the Road To Black Sea addon is active.

Compatibility update for 1.41
AI Traffic has been seperated to main mod and re-made as an addon.

Fixed Bordeaux-Bayonne connection for Vive La France DLC.

Compatibility update for 1.40

Compatibility update for 1.39





96 reviews for deTbiT Terminal Mod ETS2

  1. gascoine1 (verified owner)

    Crash.The Mod not work

    • deTbiT

      The mod is working. You’ve not downloaded license file. Download it from orders page. You can watch

  2. gascoine1 (verified owner)

    I forgot to download the license file. If I load it now via the link it is an application. If I put it in the mod folder, nothing happens.
    what now?

  3. gascoine1 (verified owner)

    this license file is not a zip or scs file and is not recognized in the mod folder. what should i do?

    • deTbiT

      It’s .scs file. Try it with a different browser like Microsoft Edge.

  4. gascoine1 (verified owner)

    great, thank you very much, everything works now.

  5. SalihK (verified owner)

    Eline Sağlık Güzel Olmuş.Çoğu Otobüs Modu İle’de Çalışabiliyor.Bazı Otobüslerde Park Ederken Kabul Etmiyor Ama Çoğunda Sağlıklı Çalışıyor.Hiçbir Hata Almadım Oynarken.Tekrardan Emeğine Sağlık Diyorum 🙂

  6. Thierry NATIVEL (verified owner)

    Bonjour j’ai un probléme avec le bus Mercedes, j’avais commencé ma mission puis j’ai eu un accident et le bus a été réparé. quand je suis reparti en sortant de l’enceinte de réparation le bus pénètre sur la route et n’avance plus, il se penche du coté droit et balance impossible de faire avancer je fais marche arrière et retourne au centre de réparation et là il roule normalement, du j’ai du annulé la mission C’est quoi le problème?????

    donc je recrée une autre mission et là arrivant à la gare routière pour prendre les passagers un bus arrive et bloque ma place en se mettant de travers, donc impossible de prendre les passagers. C”est quoi le problème???
    j’ai bien télé chargé les fichers avec Edge, merci pour votre aide

    • deTbiT

      Vous devez d’abord acheter une remorque de type B pour ce bus. Vous devriez obtenir votre emploi auprès du Cargo Market. Le marché du fret est en test pour le moment. Si tout va bien, peut-être qu’un autre mod est activé. J’ai traduit de l’anglais.

  7. Thierry NATIVEL (verified owner)

    Bonjour, ok je prend note, du coup on ne pas utiliser d’autres types de remorques??
    sinon peut-on utiliser les autres types de remorques sur d’autres bus et est ce que cela marchera avec les autres bus??
    Votre jeu est super, mais encore faut-il profiter des autres remorques;
    Merci de votre aide

  8. Thierry NATIVEL (verified owner)

    bonsoir j’ai pris une remorque type B et le bus bloque et n’avance plus à la sortie de la gare routière. il y a un sacré problème avec votre bus???? c’est décevant et dire que j’ai payé pour un bus qui ne marche pas.
    Au fait c’est quoi le Cargo Market, ou se trouve t-il pour y accéder??? y-a-til un fichier???
    Merci de répondre s’il vous plait????

  9. Burak Akgün (verified owner)

    abi ben satın aldım ve yükledim oyunu açınca 1.38 de atıyor nedenini yazarmısın lütfen

    • deTbiT

      Lisans dosyasını indirmediyseniz atar.

  10. r112586 (verified owner)

    Hello detbit!
    I just purchased, while trying it there is no option to buy the ghost trailers.
    Many Thanks…

  11. r112586 (verified owner)

    No buses in the station enter and exit as per the description.

    • deTbiT

      Are you sure you did everything rigth? If you can’t find the ghost trailers and there are no buses enter and exit to terminal, probably you did something wrong.

  12. AlphaSimmer (verified owner)

    Detbit is this working in the latest version 1.39? thanks

    • deTbiT

      Not yet tested.

  13. Oleg Golmer (verified owner)

    Hi, is it possible to use this bus mod with Promods or with Rusmap?

    • deTbiT

      No, it’s not working.

  14. hladi nicolae (verified owner)

    i want my money back…righy now. is a shit bug. the game is out every time whwn i istall u addon. my money back …quikly .

    • deTbiT

      I think you forgot to download your license file or any other mods can make it crash but mine is not!

  15. hladi nicolae (verified owner)

    does not work … I have tried in all ways I have activated the licenses nothing. the stations do not work. I have all the dlc from europe nothing. is a broke file. i put all the file in mod … i activated all dlc plus licenses nothing the game closes or doesn’t work like in bus mode. DON’T BUY IT’S NOT WORTH IT

  16. Ritz (verified owner)

    It’s not the same free edition as it used to be, and I have to pay my money, but there are too many advertising signs that hurt the atmosphere. I want you to reduce the advertisement sign a little bit 😀

    Other than that, it’s a perfect and flawless thing XD

    • deTbiT

      It will be reduced for surely 🙂

  17. dynamo (verified owner)

    I bought License Vers. 1.39, but unfortunately there are no orders and the bus terminal is displayed as a wrench.
    – Bus available as Scania Touring 1.39
    – Ghost trailer also available
    – no orders in the Cargo Market.
    Request a solution or I want my money back.

    • deTbiT

      It’s normal, because you didn’t download your license mod and activate it on mod manager. If you do it right it’s work without any problem. My mods never crashes and it’s always as described.

  18. mark24 (verified owner)

    Can i run it to my 1.38 version??? thanks

    • deTbiT

      No. It’s working on latest version.

  19. mia (verified owner)

    Great Mod! Thank you!
    Nearly everything is working fine, but I don’t see any passenger in my bus after loading the freight. What do I wrong?

  20. KER0TIN (verified owner)

    Nice Mod. but i have a question, is this a one time purchase like we will not purchase again if ets2 updates its version and this mod updates?

    • deTbiT

      It’s one time purchase. Mod will be updated free.

  21. Inmortal (verified owner)

    It is a good mod recommended I play it in different parts now well detbit for version 1.39 it is no longer necessary to use the license file? or is the license file of the previous version used? greetings

  22. mib_920 (verified owner)

    It’s a good mode. But if you use this mode, you can’t see the truck cargo. Is it supposed to be like this?
    And I think I get too little money to transport passengers.

    • deTbiT

      Yes, it should be because of cargo conflicts. We can fix money later.

  23. Jaypee Nazareno (verified owner)

    I have a question why there is no jobs in cargo market i already download it to orders tab

  24. Jaypee Nazareno (verified owner)

    Nice mode ! One question why my bus dont have people inside

    • deTbiT

      It’s because of bus mod.

  25. rquimiori (verified owner)

    Hi Bro just purchased it and it was working okay. One thing I noticed is that i haven’t seen yet other buses that enter the terminal. I have seen random cars though. Any ideas?

  26. Heru Parwoto (verified owner)

    is it works for other bus mod and size?

    • deTbiT

      Yes, it is. But you have to find which one of the ghost trailers is fit your bus.

  27. dwenski (verified owner)

    Thanks for the fast transaction, once I made the payment, I instantly received the mod. I hope you will have a Christmas or New Year for the Mercedes Benz O403 Bus mode 🙂

  28. michael altoveros (verified owner)

    bus terminal
    beyond the baltic sea
    going east
    road to the black sea
    viva la france says incompatible to my game.i have 1.39 version of the game.

    i can still play the game but when i acces the mod dealer my game crashes.
    i have those license file already.pls help me with this one thank you

    • deTbiT

      Incompatible addons means you don’t have that dlc’s. If you have any problem please ping me on discord.

  29. jzak (verified owner)

    Great everything working fine.the only problem is no more job for the truck? It is all passenger job?

    • deTbiT

      Yes, I can only manage bus jobs like this way.

  30. ashmedbinabdullah (verified owner)

    Hola que tal , bueno como tal el escenario aparece pero .. el problema que tengo esque al tomar un trabajo no me aparece nada , supuestamente ya tengo el remolque fantasma pero aun asi no me aparece , el archivo de license lo coloque en la direccion de mods no se si sea el lugar correcto para colocar dicho archivo , me guie en el video que coloco pero no me funciona saludos !

    • deTbiT

      Please ping me on discord.

  31. saskis40 (verified owner)

    купил только что и пасажиры весят не в автобусе как исправить

    • deTbiT

      Please ping me on discord.

  32. Umut Bozok (verified owner)

    I know this mod from v1.36. I like to drive bus in ETS 2 but when driving by a purpose it is much more satisfying. This mod gave me what I need in ETS 2 in a very simple and effective way. Game is much more enjoyable now. I want to thank to the developer!

  33. wingo44 (verified owner)

    Thanks! great job!

  34. Zeth Bernardino (verified owner)

    hi i cant use the mod it says incompatible can you update it for ver 1.39.2

    • deTbiT

      It’s already updated for 1.39 right now. Most probably you get that message for DLC addons because you don’t have it.

  35. Aree Cruz (verified owner)

    My game crashes and so many bugs, I used version 1.39.2.

    • deTbiT

      There is no bug in my mod. Are you sure you downloaded your license file?

  36. Aree Cruz (verified owner)

    Where to send the video of a bug? I downloaded your license file and paste it in Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod , also selected it in MOD settings.

    • deTbiT or you can reach me via discord. Link is on top of the webpage.

  37. Aree Cruz (verified owner)

    Works fine now! re install the game and deleted the folder Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2, then re-launch the game, thank you for the response. finally I can enjoy this cool mod.

  38. BARCODE13 (verified owner)

    bro can you put logo or name of terminals on the map?

  39. BARCODE13 (verified owner)

    And I want to refund for this item…because I also bought the Mercedes, not knowing that there’s already terminal download in there. Thank you

  40. Christian (verified owner)

    hi I bought deTbiT Terminal Mod ETS2 but I can not use it my game closes than can you help me 🙂

    • deTbiT

      Download your license file from “Account->Orders->View” menu.

  41. Rampalta (verified owner)

    So I tried a ton of buses and just a half worked without a problem, the other half has this problem (, cant position the bus on top of the marking cause it seems the marking is slightly forward and theres usually a fence or some bollards so i cant go more forward! please i need a fix for this, thanks

    • deTbiT

      That’s a problem about those buses. If i take it back then other buses will be stay behind.

  42. Rampalta (verified owner)

    The image shows when you choose the game to automatically go to the green flag for you, (by pressing enter), thats why i suppose the marking is slightly forward

  43. Rampalta (verified owner)

    Honestly not worth 6 usd, not even 3 usd, if you want the mod to work you need to buy that bad looking mercedes he made(so at the end its 13usd? 3 times the base game!), ai buses crash at you crash between them and horn at you for no reason, also did i get the free version? cause every bus stop has billboards of!!

    Theres a good point tho, every city has a working terminal / bus stop, and theres really no other game with the quality of ets so i could say this mod + ets is the best bus sim out there? or is it fernbus (at least fernbus doesnt have a ton of bugs)?

    deTbit is your responsability to make all kind of buses work, else dont try to deceptively say it works with other buses (you could be more clear: like 2/10 buses work to 100%)
    Im thinking on getting a refund.. or maybe not

    • deTbiT

      Hello Rampalta,

      First of all hundreds of people are playing with my “bad looking” mercedes bus already. I didn’t get any complaint about it from “users”. bilboards will be removed at next patch. Reason is that was my website is new and I’ve already shared my mod visuals on my youtube channel about it. I’m selling only what you see on my videos, nothing more or less.

      I don’t think other games are our topic in here because my mods for who choosing to play buses on ETS2 or ATS. Also I have no words like “I will change your game to a bus simulator!”, just want to make it better for people who “choosing” to play with bus on this game.

      Yes, I said “Works with other buses” not “all buses” because bus mods should be fit for my mods. I can’t make it compatible for all buses because people made their mods for their way. If they want their bus mods working on my terminals, they should make it compatible. Also I’ve shared what should they do (just put 5th wheel to middle of the bus) to work on my terminals.

      You can’t get refund because you’ve already download your license file and you get “WHAT I OFFERED”.

      Thanks for your review.

  44. Rampalta (verified owner)

    “(just put 5th wheel to middle of the bus)” thats kind of what i wanted to hear, instead of not my probmel type of answer, although you could just be clear from start.

    “… and you get “WHAT I OFFERED”” well maybe if you had that clarified on terms of use, not the case so … under buyer protection of paypal i can request my refund without a problem, usually if you had the refund part clarified somewhere i would maybe need to send evidence for the refund process, but how things are now i dont think it will be even necessary.

    Maybe i wasnt clear with the bus, its a great bus good work on it, but it looks ugly (just a taste thing, my opinion)

    I do hope this things get solved for the next version although they should have been already solved before making it a paid mod. “Things”: buses crashing, cars on the space I need to park (i waited and they wont move), ads of, unrealistic steering from the buses and if you get close to the passangers on the terminal they dissapear

    In my opinion this is not at the level of a paid mod and im surprised at the ets mod community, but keep it up i hope to see improvements and dont get angry at me 🙂
    Also would be nice some kind of documentation on your website where you explain things such as the 5th wheel or how to change the terminal buses

    • deTbiT

      I’m not angry, don’t get me wrong but I get tons of same questions. I’ve explained everything on my youtube channel. Even if its Turkish, you can easily understand the main topic. Some kind of problems (like disappeared passengers) are because of game mechanics. You can’t find any better solutions both paid or free mods.

      Good games.

  45. PoloSur (verified owner)

    I already play with this mod and is not a scam, (if some people are thinking about it) if u want to play with buses, don’t buy Fernbus, Omsi or other games like that, buy this mod, download some buses or buy the Mercedes, put more mods, like realistic things and enjoy.

  46. smallshock (verified owner)

    Mod disables all normal cargo, if you have drivers in your company, you will be bleeding money!

    Ai buses are nice addition, but their paths are awfull, they take my exact spot when taking passangers, ride through walls and crash into you. I would rather have option to disable them

    There is free Scania Touring for 1.39 on SCS Forum that works great with this mod, DBMX busses work too, if you’re searching for busses to use.

    Overall its worth the 5€, since I doubt there is better option.

    • deTbiT

      Thank you for feedback. Since there is no reverse driving mechanics for ai, this is my best I can do. I will consider to disable this option.

  47. Henry Ho (verified owner)

    I have purchased the mod and mounted all, I buy a bus and tailer already, but the market is empty. I cannot pick any job, please advise

    What bus model can support the Mod?

    • deTbiT

      You should try mate. There is alot of bus mods and I can’t track all of them. Condition is fixed, bus 5th wheel should be at the middle of the bus. You have to ask bus creators to make their buses compatible with my terminals.

  48. Rampalta (verified owner)

    Where’s the update? I guess this is just how the ets mod community is, I play other games with free mods and there are much more supported and complex i guess thats why i feel uncomfortable paying for this, it really makes ets unplayable (and i mean in general not only your mod detbit) => new game update = new problems (if you want mods)
    I just wanted to play 10 mins but instead ive been burning my head trying to figure out how to make the mods work with the new game update (since most are still not compatible, seems like not even paying makes a difference), idk a solution so i guess im just not playing today, makes me appreciate good mod communities

    • deTbiT

      This is the first time my mod updates delayed because I’m sick. Also there are huge changes about lightning in the game and there are less documentation from SCS. So, yes, I agree with you.

  49. Piotr P (verified owner)

    Love the idea, two things:
    1) Could you please make a bus “company icon” / station more like square bus icon, not a red text logo 🙂
    2) Would love if you make an option to make ad free version since it’s paid mod. There is a lot of detbit yt ads near the bus stations. It’s killing an immersion.
    Anyway. Good job! 🙂

    • deTbiT

      Thank you for your feedback. I will consider in next update.

  50. Aree Cruz (verified owner)

    love this mod!. Hope you add terminal in the new DLC Iberia.

  51. Herveren (verified owner)

    Nous attendons tous avec impatience la mis en phase de vos terminaux sur le dernier DLC Ibéria d’ETS2.
    En attendant merci pour votre magnifique travail.

    • deTbiT

      Merci. Je terminerai une fois que je serai disponible.

  52. Bruce He (verified owner)

    Hi,I’m CHN,my English is not good,I have used this mod on 1.40,it works well,good job.

  53. ututuncu (verified owner)

    Tüm modları ve lisans dosyasını yükledim Oyunun ilk başlangıcında çekici ile başlıyorum yola çıkı yorum ve araç hiçbir şey yokke bir yere çarpıyor ve devriliyor ilk yükü bir türlü tesli,m edemedim

  54. ututuncu (verified owner)

    devamlı arıza veriyor yolcu alıyorsun araç zıplamaya başlıyor yolcu indirme yerleri gözükmüyor paraya yazık

    • deTbiT

      Boşa sallamak yerine detaylı bilgi verirseniz sorunlu kısımlar düzeltilebilir. Mod sürekli güncelleniyor ve hata olursa da düzeltiliyor. Yüzlerce kişiden sadece bir kaç kişinin kötülemesi modun kötü olduğunu göstermez. Araç zıplamaya başlıyorsa muhtemelen ya bir şeyleri yanlış yapıyorsunuz ya da kullandığınız otobüs uygun değil.

  55. Michael Warrender (verified owner)

    Is this compatible with Grand Utopia, please. Cannot get any passenger jobs to show up,. I have installed all sections of the mod, with my licence at the top of the list.

    • deTbiT

      It is not compatible with other map mods.

  56. Michael Warrender (verified owner)

    “deTbiT – 4 May 2021

    It is not compatible with other map mods.”

    Ok thank you for the info and taking the time to reply.

  57. Herveren (verified owner)

    Avez-vous une date programmée pour votre mise à jour avec le DLC Ibéria d’ETS2 ?

    • deTbiT

      I will update whole map, so it will take some time than expected.

  58. Taro Momo (verified owner)

    What is the different between the ghost trailers? The mod seems to be worked, but I cannot find a combination of bus and trailer which can compatible with this mod. Could you tell us any other bus mod which you have tested?

    • deTbiT

      There are lots of bus mods, so I can’t test every one of them. That’s why I did lots of ghost trailer. You should try and find.

  59. Aree Cruz (verified owner)

    Any update for Iberia DLC ?

  60. barry minister (verified owner)

    Hi anyway to adjust teh chase camera ?? Its too far away on all Trailrs, Unless i have missed something/

    • deTbiT

      Since you are using ghost trailer, game not allow us to zoom in.

  61. ManueRx (verified owner)

    Having a lot of fun driving busses with this mod. I hope it will be soon updated to ETS2 version 1.41

    • deTbiT

      It will be completed very soon.

  62. ManueRx (verified owner)

    Great, thank you

  63. Truong An Nguyen (verified owner)

    I would like to download version 1.40.2. How can I find it? I just found the 1.41 version which I got some problem for my ETS2 1.40

    • deTbiT

      What is your problem on 1.40? Can you send an email to and explain it?

  64. filzadanish1 (verified owner)

    my ver 1.41,but ai traffic terminal not work

    • deTbiT

      Did you activate AI traffic addon in mod manager? Since 1.41 update has relased, AI traffic in terminals became to addon.

  65. Engels4711 (verified owner)

    Sorry but the game doesn’t work as it was offered for download today. It does not work like this. After all, it’s a little penny that comes together. Neither on ATS or ETS with the Mercedes. Please remedy the situation

    • deTbiT

      As I wrote on the email, you need to download your license file and activate it on mod manager. If you can’t solve the problem, reach me via discord. I will be able after 3-4 hours later for conversation.

  66. Engels4711 (verified owner)

    thx for the Help the programm is working. I have no see the Licens download Button. Sorry

    • deTbiT

      No problem. Good games.

  67. Игорь Стасик (verified owner)

    Good afternoon! Bus stations in Iberia do not work. What to do?

    • deTbiT

      Iberia is just started to making. Only 2 cities is working for now.

  68. werkisd (verified owner)

    BUS Terminal – ROAD TO THE BLACK SEA 모드를 넣으면 게임 실행이 안됩니다.
    하지만 위 모드를 빼고 실행하면 잘 됩니다

  69. werkisd (verified owner)

    방금 해결했습니다
    BUS Terminal – ROAD TO THE BLACK SEA 재일 밑으로 넣으니 되는군요..

    • deTbiT

      Have you updated the latest version of your game? I’ve checked today both old and fresh profile and it seems ok.

  70. John Reasonmill (verified owner)

    For me, this mod has raised ETS’s value a lot because I’m an avid bus and motorcoach fanatic. Five stars!
    I have never, ever during my 40 years “gamer hobby career” seen a 100% bug-proof computer program or mod. But in my system, deTbiT terminals work fine. Some rare times I have noticed a bug and sent him an email about it. Sometimes I have forgotten the license file or made some other little mistake. deTbiT has then friendly noticed me that I must (once again) put the file there etc… I recommend this mod. Bus companies need terminals!

  71. wodhks4174 (verified owner)

    When will the 1.42 update be available? I wonder.

  72. Herveren (verified owner)


    La question éternelle, à quand les nouvelles mises à jour pour ETS2 et ATS en v 1.43 ?


  73. (verified owner)

    First of all, Thanks for the Great MOD.
    With ETS2 Version 1.43., 1.42 Mod is not supported. Hope you release the updated MOD soon.
    Thanks again for the continued support.

    • deTbiT

      I will finish Iberia terminals in 3-4 days. Updating of other DLCs has been completed. I will publish it once the Iberia has been completed.

  74. Herveren (verified owner)


    J’ai tout installé, la licence numérotée 01 + les 8 fichiers pour ETS2 v1.43 numérotés de 02 à 09 sans aucun autre mod et ça plante au démarrage ?


    • deTbiT

      Il y a peut-être eu un problème avec les fichiers que vous avez téléchargés. Vous pouvez télécharger et réessayer. J’ai déjà mis à jour dans quelques villes.

  75. Cannibal Potato (verified owner)

    Hello dear developer. I’ve installed your latest release for patch 1.43 and have installed all 9 parts but for the life of me I can’t find any bus stations or jobs. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing a file? Is there an installation tutorial? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thx for your hard work!

    • deTbiT

      Hello! Make sure your downloaded files are not corrupted. You can try to re-download files. It make sense because I’ve already updated some cities with collision problems.

  76. Cannibal Potato (verified owner)

    I’ve deleted the files, redownloaded them twice, reinstalled and still nothing. No jobs available or bus stations in the map.

    • deTbiT

      Load your save then press alt+tab to return to windows. Open Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder in your Documents folder. Find the gamelog.txt file and send it to
      I will inspect and find the problem.

  77. Cannibal Potato (verified owner)

    I disabled/enabled all the files and it’s now working. Thanks a lot and have a happy new year!

  78. Mikhail Zuev (verified owner)

    Hi! 1 should be at the bottom and 9 at the top?😀

    • deTbiT

      Actually doesn’t matter but better if you activate 1 to 9 (1 bottom and 9 top) for later updates.

  79. Mikhail Zuev (verified owner)


  80. Herveren (verified owner)


    The more the new versions of ETS2 progress and the less the deTbiT mods work well. The buses are often too long and get stuck on the terminal barriers, the automatic gearboxes refuse to change sprocket etc….while other bus terminal mods that are more passenger oriented and free work perfectly.
    So I gave up using this mod fromTbit and it’s a shame.

  81. Alex Bauer (verified owner)

    The holding marks are too far in front, please move them back a good bit. Otherwise it is not playable, because the busses are stuck in the boundaries

    • deTbiT

      Thanks for your feedback but it’s about bus mod you are using. Marks are good for my buses as well as other good mods. There are 10 different ghost trailer so you can try another one. Bus modders should put hook at the middle position of the bus. I can’t do anything about other bus mods.

  82. Mkhuseli Tabata (verified owner)

    I love this mod it is great. But i see AI buses no longer go into terminals.

    • deTbiT

      SCS AI vehicles are so dumb, so I will add them later after found a good way to make them smarter. Meanwhile they are only crashing each other in terminals.

  83. Herveren (verified owner)

    Pour la nouvelle version 1.44 j’ai enregistré et installé tous les nouveaux fichiers du n° 1 ( License ) ) au n° 9 ( Ibéria ) sur la base de ma dernière commande #18918 du 2 janvier 2022, je n’ai installé aucun autre mod et ça plante au démarrage ?
    Surement un problème de License obsolète.

    For the new version 1.44 I have saved and installed all the new files from n° 1 ( License ) to n° 9 ( Iberia ) based on my last order #18918 of January 2, 2022, I have not installed any other mod and it crashes at startup ?
    Surely a problem of obsolete License.

    • deTbiT

      Hello. There is no such problem for everyone. Please send an email to explain what is the city you have the problem and attach your gamelog.txt file just after the crash. Only this way I can figure out what’s wrong with your game.

  84. Herveren (verified owner)

    For the new version 1.44 I saved and installed all the new files from #1 ( License ) to #9 ( Iberia ) based on my last order #18918 of January 2, 2022, I did not install any other mod and it crashes at startup?
    Probably an obsolete license problem.

    • deTbiT

      Hello. There is no such problem for everyone. Please send an email to explain what is the city you have the problem and attach your gamelog.txt file just after the crash. Only this way I can figure out what’s wrong with your game.

  85. Herveren (verified owner)

    Impossible d’avoir une solution rapidement, j’ai déjà acheté deux licences que pour ETS2 et à chaque nouvelle version ça plante, il n’est nullement question d’en racheter une troisième surtout à plus de 10€ maintenant 🤭
    Il existe d’autres mods de bus qui fonctionnent parfaitement et de plus sont gratuits.

    • deTbiT

      Hello. There is no such problem for everyone. Please send an email to explain what is the city you have the problem and attach your gamelog.txt file just after the crash. Only this way I can figure out what’s wrong with your game. You can’t blame the mod if you’re not sure you’re doing everything rigth.

  86. Herveren (verified owner)


    Merci de votre réponse, ça plante quelque soit la ville choisie, je viens de vous transmettre mon fichier ” gamelog.txt ” et vous informe que mon installation de vos neufs fichiers est conforme à vos directives et qu’aucun autre mod n’a été installé en complément.



  87. Richard Pronk (verified owner)

    Great mod. I like it, but sometimes you have to drive a long way because of that some roads aren’t driveable. Example from Holland to Denmark North, you have to drive via England and take two ferries. That is not so good. The roads are at some places broken.

    • deTbiT

      Please send exact location when you find a bug. I can check it. Screenshot of map piece would be good.

  88. pablos13 (verified owner)

    I can’t match the trailer to the bus the line is still green
    Can anyone suggest me a set?

  89. egorr75 (verified owner)

    Good afternoon. Before entering Dusseldorf departure, wearing a helmet MK.

  90. egorr75 (verified owner)

    Good afternoon. Before entering Dusseldorf departure, wearing a helmet VR.

  91. egorr75 (verified owner)

    Добрый день. Перед въездом в Дюссельдорф вылет. Использую шлем VR.

  92. wodhks4174 (verified owner)

    I have a suggestion Starting from version 1.47, parts of Germany and Switzerland will be reworked. And the Hanover area is still the same. Please fix it when updating.

  93. Herveren (verified owner)


    Nous en sommes à la version 1.48 depuis plusieurs semaines et toujours pas de mise à jour, c’est, à chaque nouvelle version, toujours le même problème, le silence radio !

  94. ManueRx (verified owner)

    Works fine in ETS2 v.1.49. Ça va bien avec 1.49.

  95. Cannibal Potato (verified owner)

    Are you planning to update to 1.49?

  96. ManueRx (verified owner)

    It doesn’t work in ETS2 1.50. Are you ever going to update this mod? We paid for it.

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