Terminal mod integration completed for Nevada DLC cities. New Mexico’s next. Don’t forget to update terminal mod and licensing mod.


4 Responses

  1. Is it possible that in the next update the terminal is made compatible with the DBMX buses such as the MCI, the Volvo 9700tx, the Volvo Grand 9700 which are a few examples?
    You see in real life the coach buses that travel cross-state are of the size and type of buses I mentioned and in ATS those are the ones used mainly; or ones that are the same size. Since the game and this mod were updated to 1.40 the buses I mentioned that I use don’t work like they did in 1.39. And the buses have all been updated to 1.40. I only see the option to skip loading and when I select that option the bus is flung against the railing causing extensive damage.
    if this could be looked into that’d be great. thanks

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